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CCA Acquires Building for High School

Leo Pacheco

Clear Choice Academies (CCA) is pleased to announce we have acquired a campus for the new Ocali Charter High School (OCHS) with classes starting August 10, 2023. The new school will be located at 3850 W. Anthony Rd. in Ocala, Florida, and will launch with 9th and 10th grade classes for the first year, with 11th and 12th being added next year.

The campus sits on five acres of land with two buildings. Renovation will begin in April with fresh updates, interior build-out, and new technology in preparation for the new school year. CCA is also planning an inaugural ceremony on Tuesday, August 8, 2023 by invitation only, and will include parents and students of OCHS, staff, board members, and special guests. More details on that event will be released in the near future.

Ocali Charter High School is near capacity, and the majority of staff have been selected in preparation for the opening.

With the few remaining seats open, please submit your application at:

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